A week-long look at bias in mainstream American media
Part 3: "Working The Ref"
by Tyrone L. Heppard
Part 3: "Working The Ref"
"What do you mean I wrecked the economy and lied about going to war?! You're not seriously gonna call that are you? ARE YOU?!" |
the people like them or hate them, Fox News is having an impact on everyone.
Ironically enough, we see the liberal bias argument coming from the right; the
same people that Fox tailors its news for. In fact, Fox News actively does what
it can to help spread the word about the ‘obvious’ liberal bias in the media. For
example last year, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity aired a documentary called
“Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.” His claim is that for years,
the media has been going out of their way to portray republicans, “as either
evil or stupid”.
Sean Hannity talking about media bias. Pot, meet kettle. |
problem with this theory is that in order for that to be the case, there would
have to be a certain power in journalists’ hands they frankly don’t have. In
addition, there’s evidence showing some people who talk about there being a
media bias know that it’s just a talking point that can’t be proven. Eric
Alterman, who writes for The Nation, wrote “What Media Bias?” in 2003. He opens
it up with two quotes said during a 1992 interview by a man named Rich Bond while he served as the chair of
Republican Party:
Bond, then chair of the Republican Party, complained during the 1992 election,
"I think we know who the media want to win this election – and I don't
think it's George Bush." The very same Rich Bond, however, also noted during
the very same election, "There is some strategy to it [bashing the
'liberal' media].... If you watch any great coach, what they try to do is “work
the refs.” Maybe the ref will cut you a little slack on the next one.”
continues to give examples of top conservative pundits and republican leaders who “kid” about the liberal media bias and how it was, “often used
as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." In other words,
not only does the right admit that that liberal media bias is a bunch of malarkey, they
admit to using it to justify whenever something doesn’t go their way.
addition, it’s clear that the mindset among conservative thinkers is to
pressure the media on purpose. By calling reporters and journalists biased now, the same journalists will be
less inclined to do their job when there’s actually something newsworthy or of
public concern to report. Understanding this point will become crucial when we take a
look at who truly holds the sway over what goes across a TV news outlet’s air
Try as I may, I was hard-pressed to find a psychologist (or a psychiatrist for that matter) who was good enough at their job yet informed enough about politics to look a the GOP's constant assertion of a bias in media that doesn't exist and to come up with a diagnosis. I failed to do so, but I think I found the next best thing.
So it looks like I'm ending class early today; but don't worry, there will be a lot covered tomorrow - even a movie to watch! What should you expect? Here's a hint.
Tomorrow: Part 4: "Manufacturing Consent"
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