Friday, November 30, 2012

The Liberal Media: Fact or Fiction? The Final Post

A week-long look at bias in mainstream American media

Part 6: Mandate of the Fourth Estate
Reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein looking straight gangsta in All The President's Men
by Tyrone L. Heppard

So there we have it: there is no media bias, only the myth of one. Conservatives are the ones who are saying it; and not even because they believe it. It’s a political Rubix cube: they use the liberal media bias myth because they know it’s impossible for the average Joe to prove or figure out. At the same time, it helps improve their image and legitimacy to the middle-of-the-road voter and even to the rest of the conservative base. How they get all those colors to line up on different sides of the block I may never know.
Fortunately, the advent of the internet has increased the ability individuals have to find out what's going on in the world around them. For this simple reason, it will be interesting to see just how much the people buy into the biased liberal media argument when people have access to all of this information that tells them otherwise.
When it comes down to it, though, it has been (and will continue to be) good journalists doing their jobs effectively who call out the crazy, ridiculous, offensive and untrue things that will no doubt come from both sides of the aisle. If you or someone you know is seriously considering becoming a member of the Fourth Estate, personally, I think there are a few things that any good journalist who is worth their weight in salt should keep in mind.
See?! Lois Lane gets it; and she's a fictional character!
Number one, as a journalist, your first obligation is to the truth; your first loyalty is to the people. A good journalist always keeps in mind that what they are a part of is a discipline of verification. If you work for print media, don’t try to impress us with your words; you’re not writing a novel. If you work for a TV news outlet, just remember the people care less about your hair and make-up and more about what’s coming out of your mouth; I’m talking to you, Brooke Baldwin….  
Next, there should never (I repeat; NEVER) be a reason a journalist can’t fairly and accurately report a story. It’s as simple as that. I don’t care what side of the aisle they’re from. I don’t care what god they worship. I don’t care what news outlet the work for. Objectivity is the heart of journalism; it’s where reporters get their credibility and what little power and influence they have. The day that we can’t expect a journalist to tell us the whole story is the day we need to start taking a look at the people cutting them a check. If you find yourself working for someone who won’t allow you to report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I suggest you hand them your papers of resignation.
Journalism: It's fantastic!
Finally, the media is the Fourth Estate; I know I say that a lot, but it’s important, dammit! The whole reason they’re here is in order to make sure that our government functions the way our forefathers intended and to hold people accountable when it doesn’t. They are the steward of the people and the watchdog of the government. That’s why I always find it funny when people like the Media Research Center label themselves as a “media watchdog”. Often times we find that the people who accuse the media of needing a babysitter are the ones who should probably be getting monitored in the first place. A journalist is an independent monitor of power; they’re supposed to be the only watchdog all of us ever need.
Even though there are people like Rupert Murdoch who claim that their power and responsibility don’t lie with them, we have people like Julian Assange who are willing to take the heat for doing what all of these media outlets were supposed to be doing in the first place: verifying facts and telling the truth.
I believe that as long as there is someone willing to do something shady enough to get ahead, there will be someone gutsy enough to call them out on it. That’s what being a journalist is all about; and it’s going to take a lot more than some baseless claims and rhetoric to put an end to that. Sorry, GOP.
So, hey! Conservatives! You listening, Hannity? You hearing me, Limbaugh? Coulter! Malkin! Reince Preibus?! Why don’t you stop it with the liberal media bias defense? Not only does it make absolutely no sense; it’s getting old, it’s not working and, quite frankly, it’s a little sad. I’m sure you’re all decent people who have some pretty strong convictions, but there’s no way in hell you believe that line about a liberal media. You know better than that, right?
So listen, if you’re looking for me to offer up some political advice or some kind words after a tough loss to a democrat, you’ll get none of that from me. However, if you guys do reinvent your brand, clean up your image, and win a few important elections in the future, I can promise you that I will be there to report on it; fairly and accurately – no matter how much I’ll most likely hate doing every second of it. You have my word.
Tommorow: Nothing! ‘Cause we’re done! THANKS FOR READING! DON’T FORGET TO COMMENT!

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