Saturday, September 22, 2012

U.S. Embassy Attacks Labeled Terrorism- Why Did We Hide It?

Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary

 By John Amaruso

The attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Libya which caused the death of Ambassador Chris Stephens and 3 others has now been deemed a pre-planned terrorist attack, despite the initial reports claiming it was a result of spontaneous demonstrations after a Youtube video mocked the prophet Mohammed.

This comes after Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, and countless others at the top of the Obama administration played off the incident as an act of random violence.

What perturbs me the most about this entire situation is that from the beginning it was noted that the attack was carried out with rocket propelled grenade launchers- a weapon not found on the persons of the average citizen.

Now from that evidence alone it should have been marked as suspicious and declared that further investigation was necessary- instead, the administration decided to run the story of 'spontaneous' and 'random'.

What could be the cause of hiding such a significant aspect of this tragic situation? Don't we as the American public, not to mention the families of those who perished in the attack deserve a truthful explanation of the cause?

Conservatives will say it was an attempt by the administration to cover the fact that they can't handle the region's instability- or the administration has lost interest and has directed resources elsewhere- even just downright irresponsibility.
Banksy Artwork

I propose a completely different scenario- one that will be seldom talked about in the mainstream media.

I believe the 'cover up' or avoidance of revealing the truth was merely a diversion- an attempt by the administration to play down the threats to Americans abroad- a way to paint a pretty face on the presence of American intervention in the domestic affairs of foreign nations.

American foreign policy dictates- Those who agree, we shall support. Those who disagree, we shall overthrow. Those who continue to disagree, we will oppress. In exchange, here's some coca-cola.

The thing that scares me the most is that the men who run our foreign policy are working effortlessly to portray to the American public that we are wanted- we are needed- we are desired by these people and nations. Nothing could be further from the truth as shown in recent days.

Instead, the only people who want us there are us- the private military contractors, the big oil companies, the private industrial firms that amount profits off of war torn nations after they are needed to be rebuilt, protected, and provided for.

There is a saying- in every tragic situation, there is a place for profit. Living by these words, America has made a pretty penny off of many tragic situations at the expense of human life.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Breaking News! Obama a Socialist!

By John Amaruso

The news came as a shocker to many in the political community and around the world as Mitt Romney's campaign blew the lid off of President Obama's dirty little secret- He is a Socialist.

The surprise came to many after it was revealed that in 1998, then Senator, I mean, Comrade Obama, was caught confessing his true intentions for this great country of ours-

" do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot." (Washington Post)

Now while we give you a minute to fix your wig and reset your pacemaker, just know this- your beloved President is actually a closeted homo-socialist.

Mitt Romney's campaign made the courageous move to stand up to this Socialist tyrant, proving that Mitt Romney has what it takes to stand up to our enemies and lead our country forward.

In a related story, Mitt Romney went so far as to say that he doesn't even care about half of this country, let alone is he concerned with the very poor, again proving Mitt Romney is nothing like a socialist.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The News with Next Generation News Junkies

Our first video broadcast is up! The News with Next Generation News Junkies. Enjoy! 
Visit our youtube page to like the video, subscribe and share with friends! 
Youtube- NextGenNewsJunkies


Monday, September 17, 2012

Next Gen News Junkies Bloopers

A sneak peek at our first installment of The News with the Next Generation News Junkies- Video broadcasts running down the week's top stories. Enjoy!

A Public Service Announcement from the Next Gen News Junkies

 By Tyrone L. Heppard

“I’m not into politics.”

“It doesn’t matter who I vote for; either way we’re screwed.”

“I don’t feel like going through all of that stuff to get registered.”

These are some of the things that I hear people say when I ask them whether or not they’re going to vote this year and I’ve got to say; the answers haven’t changed much since 2008.

What astounds me is how little our generation remembers about what people had to do in order to have a say in this country. We tend to forget that people literally died in order for their friends, families and future generations to have the right to vote. They literally died.

But I’m not going to preach to you. I’m not going to tell you that this is the election of the century. All I want to do is emphasize that there are sites like and that make the process easy.

There’s even a site called – you ready? It’s called Crazy right?

So, let’s stop it with excuses, people. It takes 5 minutes to register and seconds to vote. It’s fast, it’s simple, it’s important and damn it, it’s American!

I don’t care who you vote for; just as long as you do it. Seriously, go register. Do it. Now!  

Resources to register to vote-

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The 99% Movement Has Gone Mobile

This is activism in it's most creative form.

After being evicted from Liberty Park, the 99% movement has gone mobile- using illuminated projections on New York City's buildings to relay their message of change, progress and fairness.

Even if you don't agree with the movement's goals, you have to admit- this is pretty clever.

If you want to donate to the Illuminator Project, please click the link below.

Video Courtesy of The Illuminator 2.0 project

To donate, please visit-